Frigid Fox Ultra Trek Training Day Reminder

Happy December Frigid Fox Fanatics! 

As a reminder, we’ll be supporting a “training day” this Saturday December 3rd, 2022, at 9am. Water will be available at Mauthe Lake and at the Highway H trailhead until 2pm. So far, we have had limited response to the training day, but we’ll be available until 2 pm to support whoever (whomever? – does anyone really know which one to use?) joins us for the training day. While signup isn’t required, you can help us plan ahead by completing the form found here

Training Run Maps/Locations
Google Maps link to training run start found here.

Google Map link for turnaround trailhead found here.

We are looking for aid station volunteers. Each shift is roughly four hours. Hours can be flexible for volunteer shifts, so please specify available hours at the time of signup. Volunteer signup can be found here.   

– Frigid Fox, [email protected]